Capacity Crowd

From: Craig
Date: Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 4:53 PM
Subject: Kol Hakavod on the way you led services over the last 24 hours
To: Mendel Schwartz

Dear Mendel:

I cannot tell you what an honor and privilege it was to be in Shule last night and this morning to see you lead services which such grace and dignity as well as with such warmth and compassion. It was never a question that you would be able to do it but to have to stand and lead services with your dad there was really something. Although I suspect on one level it had its challenges, for your father to see one of his sons continue a mission that is so important to this community must have made him incredibly proud as well as for your kids to see their father lead a community on a day that is not easy.

The story you told last night about Koch and about the Rabbi today were both moving and incredibly relevant stories. Although I had heard about Koch, I had not heard the story of the Rabbi today.

I was so pleased for you and for your family that by the time the Shofar was blown today there was a capacity crowd. With the congregation watching you in action, I have no doubt that next year it will be standing room only.

